Goldfaden MD Facial Detox Mask

I don’t know why but I thought this was going to dry clear. I was shocked when it dried white and I’m not sure why because it goes on white.
This mask is great because it gets all the dirt in your pores out without it being harsh on the skin. Zinc oxide, sulfur, and camphor help clean out your pores. With continued use, it can even help prevent future breakouts.
Zinc oxide helps reduce the appearance of marks and boosts overall skin appearance. Sulfur helps with any excess oil and exfoliates the skin. Camphor is a natural astringent from the bark and wood of camphor trees. It helps draw out dirt and helps soothe the skin. Because of these ingredients, I would recommend this for people with oily skin over any other skin type. This would also be great for breakout prone skin.
I really like this mask because it only takes 15 minutes. It’s great to do before work or right before bed without waiting 20-30 minutes for a mask to dry.
This mask is super expensive. It costs $65 so I’m not sure that I would repurchase this because spending that much money on a face mask.
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